Room Division Done Right

As urban living faces space challenges, this design team has a good solution to make most of the limited carpet area that your home may have. Cook&Bath is a clever construction and room division that allows you to make the most of the space restrictions. In a way, it eliminates an entire wall and uses a centralized bathroom-shower space as the room division. An interesting way to demark the kitchen, living and bedroom space!


  • The toilet and shower’s air is evacuated by the VMC on the top.
  • The waster from the sink is used to flush the toilet.
  • All water flux lead to water discharge in the shower.

Designers: Roy Benjamin, Verdu Pierre & Denat Alexandra

Yanko Design
Timeless Designs – Explore wonderful concepts from around the world!
Shop CKIE – We are more than just concepts. See what’s hot at the CKIE store by Yanko Design!
(Room Division Done Right was originally posted on Yanko Design)

Related posts:

  1. A Shelf of Division
  2. 16.5 Lb Room
  3. When A Room Has No Rules


GLAM Bathroom

White matte lacquer doors 23mm (7/8”) thick with 30° top edgeDoors and drawers with soft-closing mechanism.Black carved solid marble sink20m..

Stunning Achromatic Studio

This modern studio is all about openness and transparency from one section to the next- so much so that anyone with privacy issues might find themselves feeling vulnerable. Corner to corner, the viewer’s perspective shifts from light to dark, inside to out. The minimal aesthetic is contrasted by dark grey tones and raw textures of concrete, wood, marble and steel. A single colorful object, designer Igor Sirotov’s signature rubber duck, is hiding somewhere – see if you can find it.

Designer: Igor Sirotov

Yanko Design
Timeless Designs – Explore wonderful concepts from around the world!
Yanko Design Store – We are about more than just concepts. See what’s hot at the YD Store!
(Stunning Achromatic Studio was originally posted on Yanko Design)

Related posts:

  1. Stunning Views and Foodie Experiences
  2. Fifteen Visually Stunning Architectural Delights
  3. Fill In The Cat by Nel Studio

Studio Swine


When thinking of decorating a new office I will surely keep this beautiful offices in mind. Studio Swine designed it for EMU Films in London … wonderful to see how many of my favorite things come together so nicely in this small space … pegboard, wooden desk and super fun wooden shelves … perhaps the only thing I would have done differently is the floor … just not a big fan of these grey tiles 🙂

Studio Swine is a collaboration between Azusa Murakami and Alexander Groves. Azusa graduated from the Bartlett School of Architecture and Alexander from the Ruskin School of Fine Art Oxford before both gaining an MA in Design Products at the Royal College of Art.




Operating in the fields of art, design & fashion, Studio Swine has exhibited at the Barbican Art Centre, Victoria & Albert Museum, New York & London Fashion Week and Gwangju Biennale curated by Ai Wei Wei. Studio Swine is currently based in London and São Paulo.




ps. if you are visiting their website don't forget to read about their incredible Hair Glasses …super cool!

..Studio Swine


The cube room cologne

The cube room – the cube room is a concept room by Fabian Gatermann based on colored cubes for an Design Hostel called Die Wohngemeinschaft in Cologne..

Studio Stef Bakker


Written about and shown before on Bloesem but always a pleasure sharing the work by Stef Bakker who is NOT an interior designer and Not an art director but Stef Bakker = inspired by all creation …

and yes he is from the Netherlands … his style and sense for spaces is totally up my alley … loving the rooms he touches. The images shown in this post are from differen projects he has done for different private spaces. 

A lot of grey and dark tones throughout his portfolio but that doesn't bother me a bit in fact it even makes me consider painting a wall in my home grey too …. the combination with wood is just perfect and I have a lot of wooden furniture in my home so that could work well. The laether couch in the image below is probabbly a vintage one from the sixties or seventies and you just have to be lucky to score an item like that … probably more luck in Europe than here in Asia.

Do like his style would love to hear your feedback!              [MORE IMAGES AFTER THE BREAK]



Boekenkast-totaal Studio-bakker-no-place-bett  Bedroom_stef_bakker   





Not sure who made the images but All images shown here are from the online portfolio of Stef Bakker

..Studio Stef Bakker

Sarajevo SSST University interior design

Interior design realization for the Sarajevo School of Science and Technology university. It is a 10 000 sqm new educational facility which offers a f..

Interview with Holly Becker about her new book ‘Workshop’


Holly Becker from Decor8 blog did it again with her new book 'Decorate Workshop'. I really enjoy how Holly writes both on her fabulous blog as in her books. If you missed out on our review on her first book 'Decorate', you can read it again here.

What makes 'Decorate Workshop' different from her first title… well … lot's more interaction with us the readers. Yes, Holly makes it easy via a 'one step at the time' guide througout the book helping you to start decorating or renovating your own space. It's almost like she's there with you, telling you what you should be doing next. 

She stresses this out in the book… "Write in it!". Scribble ideas, doodle designs, anything you think that will help you with your decorating. Holly believes writing it down in the book will make it more helpful to you and we believe she is absolutely right.     [CONTINUE READING]



[click here for Holly's interview with Bloesem about her new book Workshop]

Also while reading Decorate Workshop, we noticed that the book helps you come up with your own ideas instead of Holly telling you what's nice and what's not. That's what we believe the best part.

Sometimes when you get stuck and in need of just that a little push of inspiration this 'workshop' will do just that. Your own ideas will be restructured and easier for you to execute in the desired result.

We asked Holly some questions about her Decorate Workshop … 

1. What’s the difference between the first book ‘Decorate’ and this one ‘Decorate Workshop’.

One difference is noticeable the moment you read the introduction because I wrote the book in a very personal, warm voice – the voice I write with on my blog. "Decorate Workshop" is the fun best friend to the more professional and design-savvy "Decorate". Decorate lays everything out, all the nuts and bolts of decorating and then Decorate Workshop gets more personal and shows the reader that decorating magic begins once the home owner knows themselves, their aesthetic and their home first – and from there, it breaks the decorating process down into 8 easy steps to accomplish that and to motivate them to get started on their next project. It also shows readers the exact process I follow when I'm approaching a new project. The book is loaded with gorgeous photos, shots of my own home, floor plans, pages for writing along with prompts and a special poster included in the French fold jacket that comes with every book. It's a very special book and I'm so proud of it.



2. How did you come up with the eight-step process?

 I wanted to play with the number "8" in my brand, "decor8", but the best part was that I really do follow 8 steps to decorating so it worked out perfectly!

3. What room should someone pay extra close attention to while decorating and why? 

Every room matters because each space impacts your mood and contributes to the overall energy in your home. It's important to consider your sleep space first though, which is often the last room that people give thought to – but your bedroom is where you escape, rest, and spend most of your time so it should be a haven that restores you – you should want to be there! After that, bathrooms and kitchens and then the rest… 

4. What is your favorite style for a home? 

My favorite style is personal style. Always. Take what you love and mix it all together and see what you come up with that represents your aesthetic the closest. You should be connecting to your home and feel great when you walk in the door, not following the pack or living in a catalog. I have a little of everything in my home so I just call my style Eclectic, that's my style if that's the right label for it – a little from here and there – and lots of personality.


5. What was particularly fun in creating this book?

I loved the actual writing process – there were nights that I wrote text until 4:00 am because I was on such a roll! I also always like traveling and styling the rooms, this book took me to lots of nice cities. I also enjoyed doing mood boards and other inspirational photography and it was also fun to have my home in this book – I love knowing that others are seeing where I live and work because I rarely show my home on my blog. I was also delighted that I could work with my husband, Thorsten Becker, on around thirty photos and we both loved doing it – the cover shot was one that he took and in the US version from Chronicle Books, he also shot the photo on the back of the jacket. He is a great interiors and still life photographer and in this book, he was able to use his talent. The book photographer was Debi Treloar, she shot my first book and this one, but we ran out of time in the end and had to shoot extra photos so Thorsten jumped in to save the day. It's very special to have your partner help you on a project that you'll hold in your hands forever and show your children and grandchildren someday.

6. How you hope people will use this book?

I want readers to really USE it for the intended purpose – not just to flip through and read casually, but to really dive in with pencil in hand and take notes, use the writing prompts, sketch out floor plans, do mood boards and the other creative visual exercises that I outline and have FUN with it as they discover a few things about themselves they'd not considered before. I want this book to be a very personal, exploratory process for them and then their home – I want them to approach decorating from a more creative and personal place while also accomplishing their goals. I don't want this book to just be "inspiring", we have enough inspiration online and in books – I want it to also be one that motivates them to action and helps to build creative courage and confidence so that they're not just being inspired but seeing things through. I had such a good time writing Decorate Workshop and I'm so proud of it – I hope that everyone loves it!


Decor8_bloesem_new{items in the image above: Workshop , Bloesem Wears necklace,   memory stick holder by Keecie, handmade clay christmas stars, hema party decoration and ribbon from carta inc. }

Thanks Holly for sharing your answers with us … We can only say Congratulations to you and your wonderful photographer Debi Treloar.

You both have done a wonderful job in bringing a helpful new book to all us interior design lovers.

Great read And according to Bloesem a must-have!

..Decorate workshop at chronicle books
..Debi Treloar

All images in this post are by Irene – Bloesem


Oeps… almost forgetting to tell you that tomorrow we will be GIVING away the book Decorate Workshop!

 Two of you can win a copy … so stay tuned and stop by again tomorrow!

Guest Post: A little bit of Sunshine


This is Danielle  from The Style Files and I am guest blogging on Bloesem while Irene is going through a very sad time. Writing about interior related things might seem unimportant at times like this. But I know that Irene, like me, wants to spread beauty and positivity into the world with her blog. Which is why I have chosen to show you interiors with a splash of yellow, which is a happy and positive color. Life can be difficult and with this post I aim to bring a glimpse of sunshine to you all but especially to those who, like Irene, are going through tough times. Irene, I wish you and your family lots of strength dealing with this terrible loss. ~ Danielle 


{ Image 1.  Collage.  Image 3 }

.. The Style Files


An inexpensive stay in a stylish, casual atmosphere with meeting points for relaxing, communication, playing and chatting. The lobby and lounge offer ..