How many of you, when asked to pitch ideas, have thrown something outrageous in just for the hell of it, thinking ‘They’ll never pick that one?’ Thus it was that Jan Wilker and Hjalti Karlsson of karlssonwilker inc now find themselves on a ten-day, road trip across Europe all paid for by Mini
Mini asked the New York-based studio (who we featured in June 2008) for ideas around its ‘Another day, another adventure’ theme that is currently being used to launch the new Mini coupé. Among a list of ideas, karlssonwilker suggested that Mini should pay for them to drive two of the cars across southern Europe, stopping off along the way to meet interesting creative types. Mini said yes.
Thus, Karlsson, Wilker and their creative director Nicole Jacek, accompanied by a videographer, a journalist and a photographer set out from Munich on September 15 bound for Istanbul to arrive in time for the Biennial there.
Each day the team stops off to meet people such as Bulgarian chef Joro Ivanov
Rumanian graffiti artist Sinboy
and Bucharest design studio Aterlierul De Grafica, which showed the pair some of their collection of old signage that will be used in a book project.
They almost met some policemen who, thankfully, decided not to arrest them for speeding
The whole project is being done in conjunction with Matter, a new title from the people behind Kilimanjaro magazine which launches in October. The idea is that “we take all the material that was produced on the trip and design a special 24 page insert for the debut issue of Matter Magazine,” Wilker says. “We are hoping to take the temperature of the south east creative landscape, city by city, country by country, meeting with all kinds of people, some pre-organized, some spontaneous.”
You can follow their antics on a blog here
Nice work if you can get it.
CR in Print
Thanks for reading the CR Blog but if you’re not also reading the magazinein print, you’re really missing out. Our October issue includes the story of Blackpool’s Comedy Carpet, a profile of Jake Barton whose studio is currently working on the 9/11 Memorial Museum, plus pieces on branding and the art world, guerilla advertising coming of age, Google’s Android logo, Ars Electronica, adland and the riots, and loads more.
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