Walter Robot

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Consisting of writer Christopher Louie and artist Bill Barminski, Walter Robot does music videos, commercials, and experimental video. They’ve worked with Modest Mouse, Gnarls Barkley, and most recently on Death Cab For Cutie’s newest track Grapevine Fires (about the 2007 wildfires in California).

Walter Robot uses a really simplistic style that works well in both Grapevine Fires and Mystery Man (the Gnarls Barkley song, awesome running word monster).

I looked around for some more of Bill Barminski’s work and came across these from a few years back. He has an eclectic style that appears to pull from American culture in the 50’s and 60’s.

Sweet logos.

Make sure you click around the links, watch some videos, and look at some artwork. Thanks to Death Cab For Cutie and Cornerstone Promotions for the heads up.