
Untitled by Chris Magnusson(flickr user)..(Read…)

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Much Better Now – a bookmark surfs in book pages

The main character is a bookmark, stuck in a forgotten book, caught in a life marked by standstill i..(Read…)

Hey! Pass me a beer!

This is a video called ‘Pass Me A Beer’ that lasts 2 minutes, it is a creative beer-passing video. T..(Read…)

Electric heated butter knife by Warburtons

Try to use this electric heated butter knife, you will not need to heat your butter in a microwave o..(Read…)

USB Shoe Foot Cooler — "Ideal for shoes, socks, and armpits"

A weird idea from Japan!From the website: "Worried about smelly or sticky feet this summer? Fea..(Read…)

Gif: Yes or No

Yes or No..(Read…)

Snooze – The iPhone Alarm Dock with a Big Snooze Bar

Tired of fumbling for your iPhone alarm in the morning,snooze creates a home for your iPhone and cab..(Read…)

Underwater Nightclub

For creative advertising campaign that promotes TechnoMarine waterproof watches,Thinkmodo created a ..(Read…)

Mouth Factory

"Mouth Factory" is a series of functional machines specifically designed to be operated by..(Read…)