35-Foot Tall Straw Dalek

The UK is going crazy for Daleks as the fiftieth anniversary of Doctor Who approaches. It’s the..(Read…)

Suitcase – Simon’s Cat

Simon’s cat helps his owner pack a suitcase…..(Read…)


After Google acquired Motorola Mobility last year. The Moto X($200-$250) is that new..(Read…)

What Happens to Your Poop After You Flush It?

What happens after you flush it?..(Read…)

Assassin’s Creed Parkour in Real Life at San Diego Comic-Con 2013

Chris Romwell free runs through the streets surrounding San Diego Comic-Con 2013, filmed by Devin..(Read…)

How Much Caffeine Are You Actually Getting in That Cup of Coffee?

Thrillist has made an infographic showing “how much caffeine is actually in your..(Read…)

Super Mario Bros. With Modern Day Sound & Visual Effects

Blumasters has imagined what level 1-1 and 1-2 of Super Mario Bros. would be like with modern day..(Read…)

Do We Expand With The Universe?

Do We Expand With The Universe?..(Read…)

Rhino Rig: A modular, shoulder-mounted system for mobile filming

Rhino Rig

As filmmaking becomes more accessible, the need for equally accessible and mobile professional quality equipment is evident. While there are shooting systems available, few seem as comprehensive and innovative as the Rhino Rig, a modular system…

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Paperdude VR rides into the neighborhood with Oculus Rift, Kinect

Globacore, a creative technology company, they bring the new Paperdude VR game using next..(Read…)