DIY Feather Trim Fedora

imagePlanning a red eye flight for your holiday vaca? Geri and I have found the must have travel accessory that you’ll never fly without.
Click Below To See the DIY in Action

Sean Bonner

Entrepreneur brings a punk-inspired DIY spirit to the Internet age

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Creator, activist and entrepreneur Sean Bonner assumes the cyberpunk intrigue of a character cast in a William Gibson novel one might say. As both a co-founder of L.A.’s hacker haven, Crashspace and regular contributor for BoingBoing, Bonner is a subculture clairvoyant on the cusp of technology and social trends. Growing up to the anarchistic anthems of the punk rock scene, Bonner naturally gravitated to the “make or break” ethos of technology. Bonner explains, “The punk rock world has a very strong DIY ethic and from a very early age, my instinct was that when something needed to get done the best possible option was to do it yourself.”


Actively adopting a grassroots spirit, Bonner opened the acclaimed art gallery sixspace with Caryn Coleman, featuring such street art luminaries as Shepard Fairey and Space Invader. In 2002, the gallery relocated from Chicago to Los Angeles, later launching the photography group show, Sent: America’s First Phonecam Art Show. The show’s debut prophesized the pervasive popularity of the device, which the LA Times likened to “a socio-anthropological study as much as an artistic display of technological capability.”


Bonner began to further pioneer the techno-sphere with his finger on the digital pulse. In 2003, he and business partner Jason DeFillippo started Bode Media to publish a community of blogs under the unification of Metblogs. In a time when the Internet was forging the emergence of the great “Global Village,” Bode Media looked locally, creating a pilot Metblog that exclusively reported on his home base of Los Angeles. Bonner explains, “In 2003, the idea of a group blog almost didn’t exist and there was next to no local media online at all. We wanted to inspire more of both of those things and help people connect with their cities and other locals via the web.” With a city-centric focus, the international success of Metblogs expanded to cover local culture in over 50 cities around the world.


Conjuring technological savvy and astute activism, Bonner heads up the “Black Ops” of Neoteny Labs, a “consumer internet startup fund” with a focus on South East Asia. Giving a leg up to bootstrap start-ups, Neoteny Labs pairs software companies with angel investors. In 2009, Neoteny Labs held the Singapore Camp conference covering “investing and incubating” topics. Bonner elaborates, “We wanted to inspire people to venture down a route that wasn’t decidedly ‘safe’ rather than just do what was expected. I tried to bring in speakers who I felt embodied this attitude of doing something they loved rather than something they thought might be profitable.”


Continuing his altruistic efforts in Asia, Bonner continued his altruistic efforts in Asia with Safecast, “a global sensor network monitoring the radiation levels” of Japan in wake of the nuclear disaster caused by the March 2011 earthquake. “After the earthquake we quickly realized how little information was available and set out to change that by collecting and distributing the data ourselves. We’ve provided countless people with detailed and accurate information about the radiation levels in their areas. To date we’ve collected more than 1,000,000 individual radiation readings and published them free and open for anyone to use,” says Bonner.


A dedicated evangelist of awareness, Bonner also has a hand in Coffee Common, “an education brand” launched at TED in 2011. Bonner recently spoke at the TEDx conference in Vienna, returning to his DIY ethic with his talk espousing how less is truly more. Inspired by the liberation of downsizing his belongings and traveling around the world with his family, Bonner forecasted “Neominimalism” and discussed the rising subculture of “Technomads.” Bonner posts on his blog, “Technology enables this lifestyle shift, and is changing the way we interact with our surroundings.”

This story is part of an editorial series sponsored and inspired by Le Meridien.
New Perspectives explores fresh ideas and distinct points of view in global art and culture.

DIY Shower Curtain

Fatevi la vostra tenda da doccia personalizzata…

DIY Shower Curtain

DIY Shower Curtain

DIY Valentino Inspired Studded Clutch

imageWith so many designers featuring studs in their collections it was a no brainer which Italian accessory we would be getting pricked by this week.
Check out how to create a street style accessory favorite below!

DIY Punk Pin Necklace

imageIf you’re a jewelry hoarder like I am and your interested in changing up your everyday accessories, grab some safety pins and try this fresh layered look. Easily transform a few beaded necklaces into one chunky neck piece. Stand out from the rest of the fashion crowd and add some Tom Binns inspired safety pins to keep your beads perfectly coiled. Check out the full steps below!

What you’ll need:
Safety pins
Beaded necklaces
Neon spray paint
Clasp and Jump ring
Beading cord

Step 1 – Spray paint a handful of safety pins and let dry.

Step 2 – Take your necklaces and if they’re not already beaded string them leaving 2 inches of excess cord at each end.

Step 3 – Lay out your necklace strands and arrange them in the order you want them to hang when worn.

Step 4 – Using your pliers attach a clasp and hook with jump rings

Step 5 – In the order you arranged the strands, tie your necklaces to one another

Step 6 – As your necklace grows hold it up to make sure each strand lays correctly.

Step 7 – Attach your safety pins at random points throughout.
Done in collaboration with Geri Hirsch of

DIY cap toes

imageCap it up with this week’s do it yourself project. From Chanel to Alexander Wang this designer trend is perfect for Fall. Add a cap toe to a pair of old boots or pumps for an easy updated look.

What you’ll need:
a pair of boots or heels
black or white acrylic or leather paint
paint brush
Clear gloss finish spray

Step 1 – Cut and place a piece of tape around the toe of your shoes.

Step 2 – Apply 1 coat of paint to each toe and let dry for about 10 minutes.

Step 3 – Apply 2nd coat of paint and let dry.

Step 4 – Spray a moderate amount of clear finish to each toe and let dry.

Step 5 – Slowly peel back tape to reveal your crisp new cap toes.

Done in collaboration with Geri Hirsch of

Last Minute Costume Inspiration! 4 of Our Favorite Fashion Designers

imageIn case you live under a rock, it’s HALLOWEEN! No costume? No problem! We took inspiration from 4 of our favorite designers to get a last minute, but still stylish look!

Check out our finds below!

Halloween Costume Inspiration: Anna Dello Russo

imageCalling all street style snappers! Get your cameras out because this costume is sure make the Sunday Style Section cut. Contributing Vogue editor by day and head turner by night, Anna Dello Russo is one to look out for during fashion week and Halloween night. Wanna put the cherry on top? Go with your BFF dressed as The Sartorialist photographer, Scott Schuman.
What you’ll need:
A. Grab a pair of show stopping sunglasses like these big blue ones.
B. She’s always rocking a short and sparkly mini dress
C. Accessories with a pair of colorful chandelier earrings.
D. She relays on a fabulous pair of shoes for the perfect pose.
E. Anna wears fur all year round.
F. You wont go unnoticed wearing her famously acclaimed cherry hat.

Halloween Costume Inspiration: Donatella Versace

imageLooking for a form fitting Halloween costume? We’ll you’ve just struck gold, literally! Transform into the platinum blond, Italian designer, Donatella Versace.
What you’ll need:
A. A gold evening gown that will knock Dolce & Gabanna’s socks off!
B. Some sparkly earrings to give you some flare.
C. Make sure to layer on your lip gloss.
D. This belladonna is known for spending lots of time under the Tuscan sun.
E. A clutch in her favorite color fits the part perfectly.
F. D always wears a pair of fierce stilettos.

Halloween Costume Inspiration: Anna Wintour

imageLet your claws come out this Halloween. Your fashion claws that is. Get out a pair of your favorite stilettos and put on that devilish bob for a night that will be hauntingly unforgettable. Be sure to remember your only accessory, a copy of Vogue!
What you’ll need:
A. A pair of black oval sunglasses to shield your eyes from the piercing fashion show lights.
B. This famous editor has had a few encounters with keep it faux.
C. A watch keeps Ms. Wintour on time for meetings with Carolina or Oscar.
D. She wrote the fashion bible herself: Vogue Magazine
E. The perfect pair of demure pumps
F. A modern skirt for a modern women.