Mad Men Given Preservation Award by Los Angeles Conservancy
Posted in: UncategorizedThe Los Angeles Conservancy has announced the winners of their annual Preservation Awards, given to those who have helped protect or restore great pieces of architecture throughout Southern California. While the list of recipients is interesting and it’s terrific to see dedicated preservationists being congratulated, one particular winner sticks out: Mad Men winning the Media Award. Isn’t it set in New York, you ask? The arch-nemesis of Los Angeles? Well yes, but you see, not all filmed entertainment is produced where the action takes place (for reference, see: everything shot in the last 75 years). Mad Men shoots in LA and besides having a one of the best art directing teams in the business, creator of the show, Matthew Weiner, has apparently been very dedicated in not just using LA’s available midcentury sites to film in, but has attempted to work preservation issues into the show as well. So now does it all make sense? Good. Here’s a bit from the award announcement:
Creator and executive producer Matthew Weiner has gone even further in supporting historic preservation. He hosted opening night of last year’s Last Remaining Seats series and spoke out in support of our efforts to preserve La Villa Basque restaurant, a 1960 hidden gem in Vernon.
Mad Men had filmed key scenes in Season 4 episode “The Suitcase” at the restaurant because of its pristine condition. When new management began removing original elements of the restaurant in a plan to “make it more Mad Men,” Mr. Weiner urged them to keep La Villa Basque intact.
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