Study auto design in Europe, from 2 days to a semester


Looking to study auto design in Europe, but don’t want to commit to a full semester? Design house Motorcity Europe has announced an upcoming series of intensive auto design seminars to be held this July and August in Cologne, Germany:

2 seminars will be available: A Two Day Intensive Weekend Seminar and a Five Day Extended Project Workshop. The Five Day Seminar will provide participants the opportunity to develop a portfolio project supervised by professional designers. Both the seminars are available in two levels: intermediate and advanced.

The intermediate level is targeted to people working or willing to work in the automotive industry, who want to know more about the design process. It is open to students, professionals, engineers, industrial designers and to any creative or technical professionals.

The advanced level seminar is for anyone with a degree in Automotive or Industrial Design, or high level design students. It will focus on improving the portfolio and on the today automotive industry requirements for professional designers.

Guest designers will be coming in from Pininfarina, Citroen, Jaguar, and others.


For those of you who can commit for a full semester, Germany’s Braunschweig University of Art (HBK) is debuting a new Master Course in Transportation Design.

The studies are divided into three phases: The first step is the concrete design of a product from the field of mobility, e.g. an automobile, a ship or a new kind of transport solution for everyday situations. The next is the phase of using innovation, i.e. the concept of a problem-solving service. It could be dealt with the optimization of assistance and information systems of mobility in rural areas.

The last phase deals with system innovation. Here the students examine the co-dependence of different transport systems and how products can be integrated into the society. Interdisciplinary problems must be solved. One example is the design of a filling station for electrical vehicles or how public pipeline systems can support goods transport.

The program starts this winter. Application deadline is August 15th.

via car body design 1 and 2


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