Student Spotlight, Kyle Dell’Aquila, RISD

dellaquila_benchmark01.pngBenchmark Diesel Motorbike

Coming from the West Coast to the best coast, Kyle Dell’Aquila is a Cupertino-native and a senior at the Rhode Island School of Design in Providence, Rhode Island. Upon discovering Blender at the ripe young age of fifteen, Dell’Aquila found himself launched into the world of computer aided modeling and quickly down the rabbit-hole of design.

dellaquila_diesel.jpgHand Held Diesel Engine

dellaquila_electrathon.jpgElectrathon Car (in progress)

dellaquila_resume.jpgPersonal Intaglio Resume

Dell’Aquila’s obsessive attention and passion for simple, analogue solutions is apparent throughout his work as he strives to design products that boast longevity and quality over recyclability. “I am a sucker for functionality for sure,” he says. “Functional and minimal are two different beasts but a lot of the times are lumped together in conversation. Dieter Rams, but not Bang and Olufsen.”

Below are two of his projects, his Energy Thesis: Benchmark Diesel Motorbike and the P3 Super Utility Roll-Top Bag.

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Benchmark Diesel Motorbike

The Benchmark Diesel Motorbike is part of Dell’Aquila’s diesel energy thesis, done in collaboration with Parker Reid, a senior in the Furniture Department.


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