Streetology by Facet Studio

Streetology by Facet Studio

Suspended vending machines dispense plastic tubes containing coloured T-shirts in this Sydney shop by Facet Studio of Sydney and Osaka.

Streetology by Facet Studio

The tubes are arranged by colour, with a sample T-shirt on a hanger below each dispenser.

Streetology by Facet Studio

Up to 15 tubes can be stored in each dispenser, allowing up to 2,550 to be on display.

Streetology by Facet Studio

Named Streetology, the shop is situated next to shoe store Sneakerology (see our earlier story).

Streetology by Facet Studio

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Streetology by Facet Studio

Photography is by Katherine Lu.

The following information was provided by Facet Studio:


Within plastic tubes of standardised 100mm diameter, tee shirts are stored and merchandised. Within dispensers of standardised 100mm wide by 1500mm high, a maximum of 15 plastic tubes are stored and displayed. Then by repeating the dispensers by 170 times, we are now able to display a maximum of 2,550 tee shirts. If we sell one tee shirt, one plastic tube disappears from the dispenser. We designed a system of dispensers and tubes to visualize commerciality; although on its own, the stock quantity of the tee shirts fluctuates vertically within the individual dispenser unit, however after 170 repeats this fluctuation forms a “pattern” horizontally across the dispensers. There is no such field of study called “Streetology”; but this shop is a visual reflection of the street trend. It creates excitement by drawing a parallel between the shopping experience, and the act of flipping through pages of magazine asking oneself, “I wonder what is popular now on the streets!”

Project Data

Program: Commercial fitout: retail
Project Team: Olivia Shih, Yoshihito Kashiwagi
Location: Sydney, Australia
Main Material: Plywood, Aluminium plate
Area: 30 m2
Built: 2011
Photo: Katherine Lu
Mural: Babekühl
Structure: Simpson Design Associates
Lighting: Electrolight

See also:


Sneakerology by
Facet Studio
Habitat Antique
by Facet Studio
Urbanears by
Norra Norr
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