Stop the Paper Towels! – A Design Competition

When you think about the convenience of paper towels, you easily overlook the material consumption and waste that makes absorbing life’s daily spills such an under appreciated guilty pleasure. The figures are staggering: people produce 3,000 tons of paper towel waste each day, on top of the needed 17 trees and 20,000 gallons of water used to create each ton of super absorbent landfill. What to do?

It’s time to break the paper towel chains of oppression and make the switch to reusable towels! PeopleTowels, makers of sustainable, reusable, organic cotton towels, have teamed up with Inhabitat to organize a design competition where your skills can help make the difference.

We’re looking for clever, compelling green-themed graphic designs that can be printed onto a reusable cloth PeopleTowel to open people’s eyes to the situation and encourage the world to cut paper towel waste. The grand prize winner of this competition will receive $500 and 10% of royalties on every towel sold…

There’s just a few days left to enter, so enter today!


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