Steven Heller Talks Pop and Design with Faith Middleton
Posted in: UncategorizedHere’s another piece to help you enjoy these quiet, somber moments we’re temporarily having away from you. Design writer extraordinare, Steven Heller, who seems to do more in a morning than anyone does in their most productive week, recently appeared on The Faith Middleton Show, talking about his book, Pop: How Graphic Design Shapes Popular Culture. How do the two influence one another? What is the effect of design on culture? If you have 18 minutes and 30 seconds, the esteemed Mr. Heller will fill your brain with all sorts of answers. Here’s from the introduction to his book:
Pop culture is often maligned as fleeting, but history shows that sometimes what is pop in one culture has time-honored resonance in later ones. This book is an attempt to show that pop culture, especially as seen through the lenses of design, illustration, satiric and political art (and other things), is integral to a broader understanding of who we are and where we are going.
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