Steven Heller, Shepard Fairey, and DJ Spooky Walk into a Bar Bookstore…

Quick. What “proceeds by psychological manipulations, character modifications, by creation of stereotypes useful when the time comes”? This is how the late philosopher and sociologist Jacques Ellul described propaganda, but his definition could also apply more generally to graphic design. Where one begins and the other ends (or should) is the subject of what promises to be a lively, amusing, and downright informative debate-cum-panel discussion that will take place tomorrow evening in New York at the Phaidon Store. The SoHo booklover’s paradise and co-sponsor Esopus magazine have lined up the ultimate panel of experts for the propagandorama: all-seeing design maestro Steven Heller, Shepard Fairey (he who shall be Obeyed), and that Subliminal Kid DJ Spooky, also known as Paul Miller. Stick around after the panel to pick up a copy of Heller’s smashing Iron Fists: Branding the 20th-Century Totalitarian State, freshly published in paperback (the people’s format!), which he will be happy to sign for you. Click here for full details on tomorrow’s event.

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