Staycations album packaging
Posted in: UncategorizedAs albums go, Staycation by London-based band Kotki Dwa is a bit unusual: It comes in a clothbound cover with a set of 11 postcards and it was produced in creative partnership with the National Trust rather than with a record label…
The three-piece band, fronted by Alex Ostrowski, a design partner at YCN, explains: “Our idea was for the National Trust to support us in releasing our music independently, in exchange for creatively celebrating their various properties, using some of them to record in and to inspire the album’s artwork.”
The band travelled around the country, visiting various NT properties to record in from Sutton House in Hackney to Borrowdale in the Lake District. They even made use of some of the instruments at Fenton House, home to Europoe’s larges collection of keyboard instruments.
Photographs of the band in various NT locations during the recording of the album
The album, art directed by Ostrowski, comes with a striped paper bag containing 11 postcards, one for each track on the album. Lyrics are printed on one side of each with a beautiful landscape photograph (presented in portrait format) by Alex Edouard taken on the Gower Peninsula.
All the text used throughout the package is set in Holiday Sans, a bespoke typeface designed specially for the album by Jon Lister at YCN.
Only 50 copies of the album have been made and are available via the band’s bandcamp site here, although a few have been placed in the NT shops of a handful of the properties recorded in.
The band has also curated a special exhition in collaboration with YCN artists to further explore the theme of the Staycations album. Contributors include Sam Brewster, Jamie Brown, Daniel Frost, Jean Jullien, Maggie Li, Hattie Newman, Charlotte Trounce and Dan Woodger. The show runs until July 27 at the YCN Shop & Library on 72 Rivington Street. For more info, visit
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The July issue of Creative Review features a piece exploring the past and future of the dingbat. Plus a look at the potential of paper electronics and printed apps, how a new generation of documentary filmmakers is making use of the web, current logo trends, a review of MoMA New York’s group show on art and type, thoughts on how design may help save Greece and much more. Also, in Monograph this month we showcase a host of rejected design work put together by two Kingston students.
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