Special guest :: Maaret from Visual Notes

Hi, my name is Maaret and I will be a guest blogger here on Bloesem for some days. I’m really excited about it, it’s my first time of guest blogging. Thank you so much, Irene for inviting me. It’s an honor to be your guest. Bloesem has been one of my favorite reads for such a long time now.


A little more about me: I’m a design student living in Berlin, Germany with German and Finnish roots. Because I’ve been a collector of links about so many interior and design related topics, I started my blog Visual Notes in December 2008 to share my finds with others. There you can find posts about interior design, product design, illustration and other things that inspire me. Because I’m very much into European design, I thought I’ll introduce (mainly) european designers and some online stores. I hope you enjoy my posts.


Let’s start with Das rote Paket, a German based online shop
selling mainly products from young german architects and designers.
Their approach is to offer plain, simple and charming products. And
that definitely works out. Here are some of my favorites. I especially
like the unusual use of concrete in some of their products. Clockwise
from top left:  Birdhouse Rohbau, Flowerpot Betonkopf, Blanket Fake Fur


Stool Cut Colour, Matchbox Zündstoff, Calendar KartenkalenderDas rote Paket ships within Europe. Shipping to other countries is also possible, please contact them via e-mail for more information.

***post by Maaret from Visual Notes

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