Special guest :: Erika from Blommafinds

Hi everyone, it’s been only two weeks ago that I gave birth to our second son, Kiet, the sweetest little boy on earth! Although he is very easy, relaxed and I’m still not able to be posting every day on Bloesem, but with some wonderful help from some very nice bloggers I’m sure the daily content of Bloesem will be very interesting for the next few weeks.

The first guest blogger I would like to introduce to you is Erika from Blommafinds. Posts like  the linen pillows from shop One Eleven and Shaker Style made me want to invite Erika for a guest blog appearance on Bloesem … hope you will like her choices too!


Bahari … the woods of Southeast Asia have never looked so good!  Mango wood, Teak wood, Bamboo, and Palm wood emerge as pieces of modern simplicity thanks to Bahari. They harvest their raw materials from socially responsible areas and do everything they can to reduce the size of their environmental footprint.  Kudos Bahari!

***post by Erika from Blommafinds

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