Sothebys to Auction Off Polaroids Photo Collection


Polaroid the brand may now have some steam behind it thanks to Lady Gaga running their creative departments (see: cashing checks and showing up to a couple of press appearances), but Polaroid the bankrupt former company still has creditors to pay off. To secure some much-needed funds, they’ve teamed with Sotheby’s for an auction of their collection of photographs taken with their cameras. The massive holding includes more than 1000 Polaroids, many by famous photographers or artists, like David Hockney and Andy Warhol. The auction kicks off on June 21st and are expected to bring in at least 7.5 million, but we’re thinking it’ll be much, much more. Here’s a bit:

“This will be the first time in the history of our market that we have offered a collection based upon a technology, rather than an artist or a theme,” said Denise Bethel, director of the photographs department at Sotheby’s in New York.

The 1,200 pictures, including both Polaroid and traditional photos, include 400 works by [Ansel Adams], who worked closely with the camera’s inventor Edwin Land and began the photo collection at Land’s request.

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