Slight Awkwardness as More State and Federal Money Needed to Help Pay for Boston’s Tea Party Museum

Last summer, you might recall that the city of Boston made a move that looked to be capitalizing on the then yet-to-be-determined, widespread popularity of the Tea Party activist movement by announcing plans to build a new Boston Tea Party Museum (honoring the original event, not the current incarnation). Three parties would be tasked the raise the $25 million needed to build the museum (or rather, rebuild, as the original burnt down in 2001 and then it burnt down again when they tried rebuilding in 2007), a collaboration between the city, the Massachusetts Convention Center Authority and the company, Historic Tours of America. That was a hefty price tag to begin with, but as the Boston Herald reports, it was originally intended to cost just $9 million and has since shot up another $3 million since last summer’s announcement, bringing it in currently at roughly $27 million to finish by next year. What’s more, the paper reports that a healthy chunk of that money is coming from both state and federal aid, or even being diverted from other government spending, like $3 million from a fund originally “slated for affordable housing.” The Herald, perhaps trying to give the story’s angle a bit of a nudge, mention early on that this direct government funding doesn’t exactly cotton to current Tea Party members’ worldview of less spending. They even talk to the head of the local chapter, who says, “The government shouldn’t be involved in something like this, in any way.”

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