Single Family House St Joseph by Wolfgang Tschapeller

Single Family House St Joseph by Wolfgang Tschapeller Architekt

This concrete house on stilts is a family home in Austria by Vienna studio Wolfgang Tschapeller Architekt.

Single Family House St Joseph by Wolfgang Tschapeller Architekt

Called Single Family House St Joseph, the exposed concrete structure features irregular-shaped windows and sits on four supporting legs.

Single Family House St Joseph by Wolfgang Tschapeller Architekt

A shallow pit has been dug underneath the hovering building and can be utilised as a car port or storage space.

Single Family House St Joseph by Wolfgang Tschapeller Architekt

Despite the flat planes of the exterior shell, the interior space features a series of faceted walls, forming oddly-shaped rooms and windows.

Single Family House St Joseph by Wolfgang Tschapeller Architekt

The interior spaces are finished completely in white, with the exception of wooden flooring in some rooms and the treads of the staircase, which cantilever out of the wall.

Single Family House St Joseph by Wolfgang Tschapeller Architekt

Photographs are by Lukas Schaller unless otherwise stated.

Single Family House St Joseph by Wolfgang Tschapeller Architekt

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Single Family House St Joseph by Wolfgang Tschapeller Architekt

The following information is from the architects:

Single Family House St Joseph by Wolfgang Tschapeller ArchitektSt. Joseph

St. Joseph is a concrete form to be made habitable independent of the building site.

Single Family House St Joseph by Wolfgang Tschapeller Architekt

The concrete shell is placed at the edge of the remainder of a plain along the Danube floodplains.

Single Family House St Joseph by Wolfgang Tschapeller Architekt

Its basic measurements are 615 cm by 620 cm by 2230 cm.

Single Family House St Joseph by Wolfgang Tschapeller Architekt

Above photograph is by Roland Krauss

The concrete form is set on 4 supports – one one-legged element, two two-legged elements and one three-legged element.

Single Family House St Joseph by Wolfgang Tschapeller Architekt

Its distance from the ground ranges from 120 cm to 210 cm.

Single Family House St Joseph by Wolfgang Tschapeller Architekt

A second form, soft, white and independent of the outer shell, is set within the concrete shell.

Single Family House St Joseph by Wolfgang Tschapeller Architekt

Above photograph is by Wolfgang Tschapeller

The white form opens up and programs – makes habitable, if you wish – the concrete shell’s inner area, which is 2165 cm long and approx. 515 cm high.

Single Family House St Joseph by Wolfgang Tschapeller Architekt

Above photograph is by Roland Krauss

These are two interleaved forms, each with a different hardness and materiality.

Single Family House St Joseph by Wolfgang Tschapeller Architekt

Official name of project: St. Joseph

Single Family House St Joseph by Wolfgang Tschapeller Architekt

Location: Lower Austria, Austria

Single Family House St Joseph by Wolfgang Tschapeller Architekt

Project Team: Wolfgang Tschapeller ZT GmbH with Wolfram Mehlem and Jesper Bork

Single Family House St Joseph by Wolfgang Tschapeller Architekt

Above photograph is by Werner Feiersinger

Single Family House St Joseph by Wolfgang Tschapeller Architekt

Above photograph is by Sebastian Holzinger

Single Family House St Joseph by Wolfgang Tschapeller Architekt

Above photograph is by Sebastian Holzinger

Single Family House St Joseph by Wolfgang Tschapeller Architekt

Above photograph is by Wolfgang Tschapeller

Single Family House St Joseph by Wolfgang Tschapeller Architekt

Single Family House St Joseph by Wolfgang Tschapeller Architekt

Above photograph is by Werner Feiersinger

Single Family House St Joseph by Wolfgang Tschapeller Architekt

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Single Family House St Joseph by Wolfgang Tschapeller Architekt

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Single Family House St Joseph by Wolfgang Tschapeller Architekt

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See also:


Science Centre by
Wolfgang Tschapeller
Office Building VDAB by BOB361Casa Doble by María Langarita & Víctor Navarro
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