Shop Stop: wonderwood in Amsterdam


*Guest post by Marjon Hoogervorst aka Vorstin

Last month I was working in Amsterdam and had to stop by this shop/gallery WonderWood  to take a look! I've been here before during the Elle Dutch Design Week and fell in love.

This shop and gallery is specialised in vintage plywood chairs and tables from the '40's till '60's and has a collection with over 100 vintage plywood design chairs.


On the outside you see typically wooden window frames and inside the amazing old characteristic details on the ceiling! You feel the passion from the owner here everywhere! So to bring a little bit from this passion over I shot some snapshots and wrote something about it… Read more….

Wonderwood Wonderwood002 Wonderwood003 Wonderwood004 Wonderwood005 Wonderwood006


I  love this lamp sculpture called "Standing Drawings" from Jeroen Henneman. The artwork behind the lamp with the beautiful shadow effects is from Aonoine Wiertz.


I  find this bookshelf amazing! They told me this is the last one… unfortunately this one is to wide for the place where I want to hang this wonderful piece of art.


The most inspiring wall for me is the one in the back. Here you see some artworks from different designers collected on the wall. I  want to buy them all!


Chairs everywhere: the different shapes are stunning! 




My son will love this wooden game. I think you know this game with te stones on the beach:


When you leave the shop you can leave a message on this porcelain note-board.

 WonderWood address and info

All images by Marjon Hoogervorst aka Vorstin. If you would like to use them for your own blog please give credit with this link

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