Shop Stop: Pols Potten


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…yes a new Title for a series of posts I would like to start here on BloesemLiving…Shop Stop: bringing you an impression from a shop around the world that I like and have visited. I will add these Shop Stops to the Travel section of Bloesem right here so if you are in the neighboorhodd you can go and visit. I'm starting with Pols Potten in Amsterdam today that I visited during the summer. I made all the pictures myelf and was amazed by the friendliness of the ladies working that day. Thank You!


Pols Potten started in 1986 with importing Mediterranean earthenware to the Netherlands…soon their tiny store became too small for their growing collection of all things beautiful…in 1997 they moved to their

wondeful current location on the KNSM island in Amsterdam. And it is a must-stop for me whenever I'm in the Netherlands. Artists and designers like Wieki Somers, Carola Zee, Bas van Beek en Erik Polstock their designs at Pol's Potten.






{All images were taken by me, Irene from Bloesem}

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