Shmuel Linski: A Designer Unafraid to Give Concrete Answers


Israel-based industrial designer Shmuel Linski likes concrete so much that he designed a coffee maker out of it—and a canoe. (The canoe was actually part of a Concrete Canoe competition, and it won first place.) But what really caught our eye was Linski’s concrete speakers, which he molded himself. It’s essentially a driver up top and a horn filling out the rest of the form.


In Linski’s own words,

The passion of working with this raw, rough material made me think again of using concrete as the main material for other consumer products. We often encounter plastic, wood, leather and other basic materials in our homes, but we encounter concrete as a ‘hidden’ material which is covered by layers of plaster and paint. In my work I tried to give, in addition to great aesthetics, practical reasons for using concrete as a main material in a product.



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