Servi Restaurant Robot Gets Design Upgrades
Posted in: UncategorizedIt’s been over a year since Bear Robotics‘ Servi robot began appearing in U.S. restaurants, and now the design’s been updated.
South Korean industrial design consultancy BKID has upgraded the Servi with a larger capacity and payload, a wraparound dot-matrix-style LED display for customer-facing communication, and LED lighting to illuminate the loaded dishes, making it easier to identify the orders while unloading them.
The Servi Plus, as the new model is called, has a capacity of 16-plus dishes, four large restaurant trays or four standard bus tubs. The payload is 88 pounds.
The robot also features pre-calibrated start/move/stop settings for delivering liquids without spilling.
An unseen suspension system allows it to navigate the transition between carpeted floors and hard surfaces.
The speed and suspension has also been tuned so it can safely navigate ADA ramps.
Here’s the machine in action:
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