See How Digital Technology Is Shaping Our Urban Landscapes at Xlab


At this point, technology has found a way to wedge itself into even the most minute details of our lives. It’s happened so quickly and at times without even being recognized as raising the bar from traditional to tech. This year’s Xlab at the Museum of the Moving Image in Queens, New York will take a look at this our relationship with technology and urban landscapes through discussions and lectures from guest speakers. The one-day conference will consist of five sessions focusing on digital communications, immersive experience design and enabling information retrieval in the built environment.

The sessions will be lead by industry professionals, including Google architect Marc Syp, Anthony Vitagliano of Digital Kitchen, Anthony Townsend of the Institute for the Future at New York University and Laura Kurgan of the Spatial Information Design Lab at Columbia University.

Register here for the event on October 24th.



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