Salone Milan 2012: Design Facility Explores Basic Luxury at SaloneSatellite


Design Facility is a conceptual “design research facility” composed of 3 instructors and 8 students from Singapore Polytechnic’s Experience and Product Design program. At this year’s SaloneSatellite show, the group presented a collection of thoroughly considered products under the title basic luxury.

In our explorations within the theme of ‘basic luxury’ it became clear that the notions of ‘basic’ and ‘luxury’ are never valid premises within our everyday. Instead, their meanings and definitions are in constant flux, occasionally complimenatry and at other times, perversely contradictory…our pursuit of ‘basic luxury’ today will be dictated beyond rationality and expectations, driven by eccentricities, hyper-reality and questions that provoke the most fundamental aspect of our inetraction with the everyday.

This provocation resulted in an interesting if understated show: paint(s), table lamp, chair and decorative objects have an element of surprise embedded in the seemingly mundane. The work of the group is summarized in a similarly understated publication sprinkled with interviews, construction diagrams, quotes and research notes to accompany and contextualize the work.

“Can wall painting depart from mere cosmetic and surface protection?” These three paint concepts explore a new functionality for wall paint, creating unexpected spaces for our daily needs. I especially love the custom paint-brushes for applying the paint.

Texture paint includes “dodecahedron granules” to create small hooks on the surface of the wall:




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