Salone Milan 2012: Analogia #003, A Sketch of Home in 3D at Ventura Lambrate


Every day, we are surrounded by ideas brought to life. The chair we sit on, the sofa we lounge on, the computer we stare at all day. These are only a fraction of the objects that first took form in the minds of designers, sketched out on paper, then formed into reality.

Designers Andrea Mancuso and Emilia Serra, friends since their days at the Royal College of Art in 2008, have collaborated once again under the Analogia Project to bring visitors to the cusp of materiality and immateriality with Analogia #003 on exhibit at Ventura Lambrate during this year’s Milan Design Week.

Using variably sized Merino wool set on a grid of fishing lines, the two have recreated a sketch of home in the physical world. The exhibit is so convincing that many visitors are first stunned, Mancuso and Serra tell me. “The most common reaction is a sense of surprise, they look confused and disoriented by what they are seeing.”


What the visitors see is a collection of brushstrokes somehow seemingly suspended in air. The effect is ethereal and we are forced to reconsider how the imagined makes it way to becoming real. “It represents our way of reflecting about the different way an everyday object could be seen and their relationship with the space,” say the designers.


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