Ross Jones: New Works


Political artist Ross Jones‘ exploratory drawings—soon to be on display at London’s William Angel Gallery—take a look at Britain’s current societal problems. By distilling a complicated political issue into one of its constituent parts, Jones looks at our contemporary climate without portraying one major viewpoint in each of his stark, large-scale renderings. (Click on images for larger versions.)

While he may not dictate a singular argument, Jones’ concerns are clear. Titles such as “Surgical Strike, Agricultural Decline” and “Refuge” match the sober drawings, pulling you in with their simple grandeur. For instance, “Suburb” (pictured below) questions our ease of comfort in ignoring issues that we are physically removed from. Having only been in the art scene since 2005, Jones has won a considerable amount of awards for his work, symbolizing how talented he is at expressing such relevant topics.


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New Works

20 March-19 April 2009

William Angel Gallery

1 Barry Parade

London SE22 0JA map

tel. +44 7956 329 675

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