Rodrigo Corral Appointed Creative Director of Farrar, Straus and Giroux

This just in: star graphic designer Rodrigo Corral has been appointed creative director of
Farrar, Straus and Giroux (FSG), according to a statement issued today by president and publisher Jonathan Galassi. Corral is no stranger to FSG, having worked in the company’s art department from 1996 to 2000 after graduating from the School of Visual Arts. He begins in his new post early next month and will continue to run Rodrigo Corral Design, the nine-year-old studio behind such memorable book covers as those for James Frey‘s A Million Little Pieces, a shelf of Chuck Palahniuk novels, Debbie Millman‘s smashing How to Think Like a Great Graphic Designer, and Jay-Z‘s recent memoir-cum-lyrical codex, Decoded, for which Corral dispensed with the glamour shot and featured one of Andy Warhol‘s Rorschach paintings. “I read the books, look for meanings which help drive the stories but are not necessarily obvious, and I try to come up with an image that will illustrate a few of these ideas at once,” Corral has said of his cover design process. “The hope is that it will be beautiful or interesting enough for a reader to want to know more, and that they will feel more attached to the image, or maybe a part of it, as they read the book.”

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