Richard Rogers Call for Investigation Into Prince Charles Abuse of Power Likely Not to Get Too Far


Back to the ongoing hot story for these past couple of weeks: following his loss of the Chelsea Barracks project due to Prince Charles intervention, starchitect Richard Rogers demanded that an investigation begin that would look into whether or not the Prince had traveled beyond his constitutional powers in persuading the project’s developers to dismiss the Barracks’ plans. Unfortunately, it looks as though Rogers is now zero for two going up against the Prince, as legal experts have talked to the Times and say that what the member of royalty did was simply discuss a matter, not push for any sort of government interaction in the matter, meaning he did nothing that broke a single law. But while it looks like the starchitect will just have to struggle to get over the loss, it also appears that perhaps Prince Charles isn’t going to wind up getting his way either:

Not everything has gone the Princes’s way. He recommended to the Qataris a classical design by his favoured architect, Quinlan Terry, but sources close to the developers said it was unlikely to be adopted.

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