Revolving Door: NY Times Critic Benjamin Genocchio Takes On Editor in Chief Role at Art + Auction


You’ll likely be seeing the name Benjamin Genocchio less frequently in the arts and culture sections of the NY Times. The Australian-born critic and author has made the leap over to Louise Blouin Media, where he’s taken on the dual job of Vice President of Editorial and Editor in Chief of Art + Auction (and possibly also showing up from time to time at Modern Painters and, two of the company’s other properties). Here’s a bit from the announcement:

“We are delighted to have Benjamin lead our talented team of writers and editors around the world,” comments Ms. Blouin. “As someone who has lived in numerous cities in Asia, the Americas and elsewhere, speaks and writes in Spanish fluently and is a published expert on Latin American, Asian and European art, Benjamin perfectly embodies the company’s goal of taking culture beyond borders. With a PhD in Art History and a track record of covering the arts around the world, Benjamin is that rare individual who combines academic rigor and theory with on the ground reporting,” Ms. Blouin continued.

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