Revolving Door: Former Rose Art Head Michael Rush Hired as MSU Broad Museum’s First Director


While Michigan State University is still scrambling to gather up the last remaining $6 million to pay for their Zaha Hadid-designed Eli and Edythe Broad Museum, the museum itself is moving full steam ahead with their hiring, with the news that they’ve selected Michael Rush as their first director. Rush’s previous position had been at the Rose Art Museum at Brandeis University, which you might recall was at the center of one of last year’s most heated controversies, with the school trying to shut the museum down and sell off all its art to help pay a few bills. During that time, Rush was on the side of those against the school’s plans, which undoubtedly won him some points among the museum set. Said Rush about the new position at the new museum, which should be finished sometime in the spring of 2012, “I am honored to be joining Michigan State as the founding director of the Eli and Edythe Broad Art Museum. This is for me an extraordinary opportunity; moreover, this new museum is a great moment in philanthropy, education and international contemporary art.” And here’s a bit from Mr. Broad himself:

“Edye and I are delighted with the selection of Michael Rush as director of the Broad Art Museum,” said Broad. “He is a principled scholar, educator and museum professional who has demonstrated an ability to work effectively with a broad public while growing the reach of arts institutions internationally. We are impressed with his leadership and are confident he will work with MSU and the Lansing community to make the museum a world-class institution.”

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