Rendering Chrome Letters the Hard Way
Posted in: UncategorizedOne of the first things they taught us in ID Rendering 101 was about reflections: You need a sky and you need some earth, and placing these correctly indicates the contours of whatever you’re drawing up. Nowadays software takes care of all that, but in the days of hand rendering, you created sky and earth with markers, Prismacolors, charcoal or an airbrush. And getting the gradations was just a matter of layering strokes and/or going over it with your fingers.
But in this video, hot rod artist Glen Weisgerber shows us how he does it “When the compressor goes down or the power goes out,” i.e. not using an airbrush, but an actual bristle brush. At 23 minutes long, the demo isn’t short, but it’s worth a scan-through to watch him go from zero to done:
Am I the only one who got the design-school-flashback stress jitters while watching him? I almost found myself glancing towards my window to see if the sun was coming up yet.
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