Reed Seifer Brings Validation, Optimism to NYNOW

It’s not easy to stand out at NYNOW, a roiling trade show sea of tote bags, trinkets, exotic papergoods, Gehry-esque building blocks, eco-friendly umbrellas, geodesic birdhouses, and the odd visiting monarch. But this season, the pause that refreshes comes at booth #7654, where Lost & Found (paired with the Philadelphia Museum of Art) is offering among its nifty wares the work of UnBeige favorite Reed Seifer.

Making its debut at NYNOW is “Validation,” a self-empowering stamp that comes tucked inside in a white box. “What inspired me to create this work is the discovery that validation is something that we have to provide to ourselves,” the artist and graphic designer tells us. “I’d also like to add that I only use Helvetica when I want something to look uber-generic and not call attention to itself via typography.”

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