Re-use, recycle for the Climate Trail
Posted in: UncategorizedThe Watermead Park Climate Trail in Leicester opens on August 13, featuring vibrant signage by Newenglish Design and Creed Design Associates made, appropriately, from recycled and reclaimed materials
The 500 metre Climate Trail runs through a section of the city’s Watermead Park. The aim is to inform visitors about issues relating to climate change and the environment while they enjoy their walk. Newenglish and Creed created a series of 3-metre tall ‘gabions’ (the wire baskets filled with stones used in construction) filled with food cans, plastic bottles and old electrical appliances to carry information alongside totems made from recycled wood as well as a 2.5-metre-long arrow (shown top) to begin the walk.
Carl Bebbington from Newenglish Design says: “It was really important that we practiced what we preached so we used recycled materials in the constructions that we got from the city’s rubbish dumps.”
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