RCA’s secret postcard sale

The Royal College of Art’s anonymous postcard exhibition and fundraiser returns for its twentieth year later this month. This year’s contributors include Milton Glaser, Pete Fowler, Grayson Perry, Jarvis Cocker, Paul Smith and David Bailey.

More than 2,900 artworks will be displayed anonymously at RCA’s Dyson Building in Battersea from March 13 to 21 and sold on March 22. All works are priced at £50 and as with previous years, buyers won’t know whose work they’ve bought until they’ve paid for it.

Contributors include RCA alumni and new designers as well as leading creatives and there is no set brief for submissions – work can be a painting, drawing or 3D sculpture provided its postcard-sized.

The event is sponsored by law firm Stewarts and proceeds will go towards RCA’s Fine Art student fund. For details and opening hours, see rca.ac.uk/secret.

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