Random acts of design

The Random Project 2012 invites everyone to design a postcard relating to an aspect of London, the Olympics or 2012. Each participant will be sent a randomly generated word which they have to respond to

The Random Project first ran as part of the London Design Festival where everyone from schoolchildren to professional designers such as Ed Fella (image above) responded to various random words. Joint founder Sarah Hyndman has brought the idea back for this Olympic year. The aim is to produce a “collection of postcards which are created by everybody. These will celebrate the spirit of London 2012 and enable us to visually document the shared cultural experience as the year unfolds – we will all become the artists-in-residence for a historic year.”

Pat Morrissey’s response to the word ‘box’ from the first Random Project

All you have to do to take part is email word@random-project.co.uk with a number between 1 and 100. You will be sent your word along with full instructions.

All submitted cards will be on view in the Random Project 2012 virtual gallery which will open on February 1, 2012. A physical exhibition will be planned later in the year.

Go here for more details

‘Jake’s’ idea of ‘Fun’ from the first project



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