Quote of Note | Paul Kasmin

Chilean artist Iván Navarro’s “The Armory Fence,” a large-scale, site-specific neon installation exhibited by Paul Kasmin Gallery last month at the Armory Show.

“I’ve always liked a mix of things, and I don’t mind if it’s new or old. Iván [Navarro] told me: ‘I’ve got an idea, but you’re not going to like it.’ The Armory Fence took me a while to digest, but it does make sense: he grew up under a dictatorship, so there’s always a political current in his work. It’s an unbelievably strong statement: and although I’m delighted, it did take a while…I mean, if the production hadn’t been up to scratch it would have been a pretty big failure.” —Gallerist Paul Kasmin in the April issue of The Art Newspaper

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