Qualy Block Stacking Collection Cans for Space-Tight Kitchens


Got a tiny kitchen with no room for paper, plastic and trash cans? The Qualy Block stacking cans are a clever way to combine rubbish and recycling collection in a small footprint. A cove molded into the corner of each piece provides access to the bin below, while a retaining ring nested beneath the lid keeps the bags in place. Simple, neat, and sleek.


While your average American family would likely find the capacity too small, it seems a perfect solution for singles, city dwellers and others in space-tight situations where trash is taken out daily.

We previously looked at Qualy Design’s work here, and while we love their stuff, we wish the design of their site mirrored the design quality of their work! The Qualy Block has been in existence since at least 2012, but it’s absent from their site and we could only locate it at this Japanese e-retailer’s page.



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