Pure at Hills & Mills


The leather Handles from Monday brought me to Hills & Mills. A great café / bakery in Delft (one of the smaller but absolutely very beautiful cities from the Netherlands).

Here it's all about PURE .. a word I have came across very often this summer in Amsterdam … Pure Markets, Pure Restuarants and Pure bakeries like Hills & Mills …  seems like the Dutch are embracing a new 'honest' way of living. Good! 

Only one mission at Hills & Mills:  'Practicing Happiness' … and looking at the pictures their food and drinks will do just that 🙂

And three guidelines  … for everything they do:
1. We build on the pure in the world. Pure people, relationships and products.
2. We do the right in every situation. The right intentions and actions. Also at the right speed, taste and resources.
3. We enjoy that everything and everyone is connected. 

Unfortunately no time for me this year to stop by but definitely a place to ad to my travel tips list. 








All images via the FB page.

.. Hills & Mills

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