Prater Chair by Marco Dessí

Prater chair by marco dessí

Viennese designer Marco Dessí created these stacking chairs milled from plywood to reveal the material’s multiple layers.

Prater chair by marco dessí

The layers of birch-ply are held together with black resin, which enhances the decorative pattern.

Prater chair by marco dessí

Prater Chair comes in three colours and has been designed for German furniture maker Richard Lambert.

Prater chair by marco dessí

Watch Dessí talk about the design in our [D3] Design talents movie »

Here’s some more from the designer:


Marco Dessí

The idea for this stackable chair came while reflecting about  traditional Viennese chairs, here reinterpreted in a contemporary way. The chair  is made of plywood with black phenolic resin glue between the layers, which results in the strong graphic impact when CNC-milled.

Prater chair by marco dessí

The decorative effect is the result of the technology combined with the multilayered plywood. The rigorous constructive approach leaves the impression as if the chair could at any time be taken apart into flat modular pieces ; and then again, it has the aura of a strong, fully-grown entity.

Prater chair by marco dessí

Material: Birch plywood, CNC-milled, 2009
Client: Richard Lampert

See also:


by Giorgio Biscaro
by Luca Nichetto
furniture stories
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