Police Officers: Information Overload?


Police information technology is advancing at a fast pace: the benefits of real-time access to warrants, maps, FBI databases, and DMV records are indisputable. But putting a laptop in a police cruiser added a hazard no one considered—many police officers now drive with their knees.

And who can blame them? Information going into an emergency could very likely save your life. No police officer is going to pull over to the side of the road to type on his Toughbook in the middle of a 911 call.

New Hampshire’s infamous Car 54 Project attempted to solve some of the multitasking problems with voice-activated controls. However, Car 54 is notorious for breaking right when you need it. Touchscreens aren’t much better—the screens become unusable on cold winter days.

Does the latest technology dictate that police officers necessarily become a hazard to themselves and to others on the road, or is there a better solution out there? Sound off on discussion boards.


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