PillCam is Like a GoPro For Your Colon


The PillCam is designed for, as the AP puts it, “patients who have had trouble with the cringe-inducing colonoscopy procedure,” which we’d imagine is just about everybody. The pill-sized camera doesn’t invade your butt but instead goes in from the other end, and once you’ve swallowed it, it starts beaming high-speed photos of your insides to a device on your waist as it makes its way towards your waste. Then the doc checks the resultant video out, and uploads it to his Facebook or whatever, and you didn’t even have to take your pants off.

Now that the PillCam has received FDA clearance, it’s set to become a sort of GoPro for your colon. Aren’t you excited to see the fun PillCam videos people will clog YouTube with? Great, because we’ve got one after the jump! I would have put it before the jump but I don’t want to get fired! Enjoy!


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