Parsons Partners Up for Social Innovation Incubator

Projects with potential for positive social or environmental impact will get a boost from a new Parsons initiative. The school is partnering with the Toronto-based Centre for Social Innovation (which recently opened a 24,000-square-foot space in New York’s Starrett-Lehigh building) to create an incubator program for Parsons students and recent alumni launching design-led social innovation projects. Check out the five projects that have been selected for the incubator’s first cycle, which gets underway this month and runs through September 2014:

  • Bike Flocks: an urban, clean energy transportation system focused on biking
  • Make Your Mark, an urban parks stewardship program for youth that connects STEM education (science, technology, engineering and math) to design and social change
  • Enacting Policy: an educational platform for understanding complex policy issues that incorporates role-playing, storytelling and mapping techniques
  • Co-Kreate: an innovative and sustainable housing alternative that generates economic development, and supports education and community development
  • Citysteading: a community-driven process that seeks to empower marginalized urban populations to have a voice in driving important policy issues such as affordable housing and environmental protection

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