Our new home in Kuala Lumpur


What do you think… you like my new living room? I'm super happy, exhausted and excited…. last SUnday the big move to our new place here in KL finally took place. All our furniture and boxes made it safe and sound to their new place. 

I really love the open, bright and spacious feel of the new living room… and yes pinching myself to be so lucky to call this place 'home' for the next couple of years. My mom says we deserve it after working hard for the last 15 years, but I still feel very very lucky! 

The next couple of days I will be busy unpacking, decorating and putting everything in place. So my posts will be there but not on a regular base like normal…. but please come back for more updates of our new place and Tiffany will be posting too! 

Just wondering do you like to move house? I have done it 8 times in the last 11 years and still find it exhasuting but very rewarding and fun… irene xoxo



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