Olympics-inspired graphic fun

Two self initiated, Olympics-inspired projects arrived at CR towers this week. First up is hat-trick‘s tiny Olympic Non-Events book which sees Otl Aicher-style icons created to illustrate various well known metaphorical phrases…

Thus there is a sporty icon for such non-events as Jumping To Conclusions, Punching Above Your Weight ,and Swimming With Sharks…

As well as the book, hat-trick has set up a tumblr blog (screengrab, above) showing the icons included in the book and also inviting all and sundry to submit their own non-events to be potentially iconised and added to the site at olympic-non-events.tumblr.com. And just in case any of you were thinking of submitting it, Hat-Trick has already (rightly or wrongly) created an icon for Breast Stroking.

We also received a package from artist Lydia Leith, whose Royal Wedding Sick Bag project featured here on the CR blog almost a year ago. Leith has created eight packs of Temporary Tattoos which all look to celebrate a number of Olympic Games events from track cycling to badminton, tennis, soccer, boxing, volley ball and ping pong. Sorry, I meant table tennis.

You could just place one tattoo of your favourite event on your forearm or bicep. Or you could go totally nuts and use all the tattoos at once, as Lydia did herself to demonstrate the “all-of them-at once” look:




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