Off The Map: celebrating closed Tube stations

Graphic designer Tom Wood has created a series of ten designs that celebrate London Underground’s long closed and mostly forgotten stations…

2013 marks London Underground’s 150th anniversary and the world’s oldest underground transport system has seen some huge societal changes in its time. Ever-evolving demand has led to alterations, resulting in a number of disused stations across the network. The idea of Wood’s project, entitled Off The Map, is to commemorate some of these disused stations, including Aldwych, British Museum and Down Street.

“When I was eighteen, I remember looking out of the window on the Central Line and saw what looked like white tiles in the middle of the tunnel,” explains Wood of the origin of the project. “I was fascinated to later discover this was the rem ants of one of the many disused Tube stations, each of which has its own unique history.

“I wanted to create a brand and designs that would depict the mystery and intrigue that lies behind these lost underground worlds,” he continues. For example, the design for British Museum Station illustrates the glimpses of the famous classic platform tiling that can still be seen from passing Central Line trains. For Down Street, the design depicts its demise as a result of low passenger traffic due to more popular neighbouring stations.”

Each of the ten designs can be bought in a range of formats ranging from a postcard or greeting card through to three different poster formats from (screengrab shown above), with information about each station’s history detailed in each design’s accompanying text.

“These new designs commemorate what’s been ‘lost’, and for many what they never knew existed,” adds Wood.

Further activity around the London Underground’s 150th anniversary includes an exhibition of London Underground poster art at the London Transport Museum (February 15 – October 2), and Penguin is set to publish a new book by Mark Ovenden later this month entitled London Underground By Design (£20).

CR in Print
The January issue of Creative Review is all about the Money – well, almost. What do you earn? Is everyone else getting more? Do you charge enough for your work? How much would it cost to set up on your own? Is there a better way of getting paid? These and many more questions are addressed in January’s CR.

But if money’s not your thing, there’s plenty more in the issue: interviews with photographer Alexander James, designer Mirko Borsche and Professor Neville Brody. Plus, Rick Poynor on Anarchy magazine, the influence of the atomic age on comic books, Paul Belford’s art direction column, Daniel Benneworth-Gray’s This Designer’s Life column and Gordon Comstock on the collected memos, letters and assorted writings of legendary adman David Ogilvy.

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