Object ownership reduction by Tsh Oxenreider
Posted in: UncategorizedLast month I referenced Michelle Passoff’s anti-clutter book, which was released in 1998; a more recent guide to keeping your objects in order is Tsh Oxenreider’s “Organized Simplicity: The Clutter-Free Approach to Intentional Living,” which came out several weeks ago. Oxenreider is the woman behind the Simple Mom blog, whose tagline is “Life hacks for home managers.”
Four years ago she and her husband moved from Texas to the Middle East, and during the undertaking of internationally moving house she had a sort of revelation about what it means to own objects. She has an essay on the topic on CNN’s website:
You ask yourself, Is this thing worth hauling 6,000 miles across an ocean and in to a new home? Is it providing that much meaning and value to my life?
If not, why bother having it now?
…I didn’t know it at the time, but [our big move] was a stake in the ground for us…. From that moment forward [we] became hyper-selective about what we allowed in our home. If we just went through the pain-staking process of saying goodbye to our things, why haphazardly welcome more stuff in, stuff that will ultimately only add to clutter
The essay contains tips on how to reduce, and those interested in decluttering may also want to investigate Oxenreider’s website. (And yes, “Tsh” is how her first name is spelled.)
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