NYIGF Winter 2012: Like Shooting Lamps in a Tradeshow


Taipei-based Bitplay has been around for just a couple years now, but their playful lamp designs were among the obvious highlights at this year’s New York International Gift Fair.

Why shouldn’t we have fun with our everyday objects? It’s important for things to be usable and elegant. But what if there’s the possibility of a little something more—a little bit of playfulness in how we interact with our objects? That’s the idea behind bitplay. We design objects that have a sense of humor, that bring a little magic to our everyday interactions.


Founded on the idea that “little delights can trigger something big,” the “BANG!” lamp, in particular, splits the difference between clever novelty item and instant classic. It’s an LED table lamp with a remote control shaped like a handgun. Pretty straightforward and, based on our brief target practice session, fairly accurate.



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