NYIGF Winter 2012: Benwu Studio’s Zen-like Offerings


While the New York International Gift Fair plays host to all variety of tchotchke, knick-knack, doodad and gewgaw, the more refined work tends to stand out among the visual supersaturation. Case in point: the understated debut collection of newcomers Benwu Studio collectively bore the hallmarks of minimalist design, yet each piece had a fascinating backstory rooted in Chinese culture. Indeed, designers Hongchao Wang and Peng You, currently based in Cleveland, Ohio and London respectively, began collaborating in order to “focus on materials, traditional techniques and crafts. Designs are highly inspired by fashionable/architectural elements and Zen philosophy.”



The “Sunmao” stool takes its name from the Chinese term for “tenons and joints,” drawing on an ancient construction technique that is now familiar mostly as a wooden construction puzzle/toy. It is perhaps best explained by its fabrication video:


The “Hakkak” Lamp, designed to work as a pendant or a floor lamp, is also inspired by ancient building techniques, but it requires a bit more explanation:


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