NYC on Hurricane Lockdown, Part 3: Three Types of Flood Barriers, from Sad to Serious


Gulf-state residents and those with hurricane experience would probably be horrified at some of the half-assed Sandy preparations made by New Yorkers. Here’s a local restaurant in Evacuation Zone B, the secondary flood risk zone, and the steps they’ve taken to prevent flooding:


Yeah, I’m sure that’ll keep the water out. I like that little extra four-inch strip of tape across the top, well done!


The nearby Apple Store has eschewed duct tape for something a little more substantial. But as you can see, it’s presumably the local store manager, and not Jony Ive, who’s in charge of floodproofing this branch:


The efficacy of sandbags against flooding depends on how the dikes are constructed. Below you see the ideal construction method, though it’s not surprising that your average retail employee is probably not going to take the time to do this.




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